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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lunar Eclipse June 15,2011

During June 15th late night to June 16th early morning we will witness one of the largest and darkest Lunar Eclipse of this century. The total phase of this lunar eclipse will last 100 minutes. The last eclipse to exceed this duration was in July 2000 and next such eclipse will take place in 2041.

The full eclipse will be visible from south west Africa, Madagascar, the Middle East, central Asia, India, Sri Lanka, eastern China, Bangladesh, western Myanmar, western Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, western Indonesia, Antarctica, and western edge of Western Australia. Details of eclipse are as follows:

Date Stage Phase Time(IST)
June 15 P1 Moon enters penumbra 22:53:05
June 15 U1 Moon enters umbra 23:52:37
June 16 U2 Start of totality 00:52:11
June 16 U Maximum eclipse 01:42:24
June 16 U3 End of totality 02:33:02
June 16 U4 Moon leaves umbra 03:32:35
June 16 P4 Moon leaves penumbra 04:32:15

  • Penumbral Magnitude: 2.7117
  • Umbral Magnitude     : 1.7050

    The various region and timings can be seen in below picture. (IST= UT+5:30)

    Source: http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/Instrument/Assets/eclipses/LE2011Jun15T.gif
