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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Satellite Trackers

There are many webpages over the Internet which provide Satellite tracking facility. But you have to waste a lot of time to find the one that suites your liking. During last few months I searched a lot of websites and found some good sites for tracking satellites. Below are the some of those which I found good. Let me know as well if there are more....
1. http://www.n2yo.com/ : Provide live tracking of almost all the satellites.
2. HUMANSPACEFLIGHT provided by NASA for tracking ISS: This gives sighting opportunity of ISS for next 7 days.Just select your Country and then Select your city if available.
3. Provided by SKY & TELESCOPE, you can keep track of HST and STS alog with ISS


Phil said...

Hi Roopesh,

Heavens-Above is excellent and very precise. I have shown it to my non-astronomer friends and they get a real kick out of it.

Keep up the great blog work!


Roopesh said...

Hi Phil..

Thanks for response.. lets make our group bigger and bigger...

Thanks for sharing my blog to your friends...

Keep reading..!!